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The key reason I stay in Hattrick is the friendships I have made, but also the competitiveness and the feeling that I can still achieve more.I don't necessarily aspire to be number one in my country but I like to test some idea how things could work better and build a team that way. The goal is always to be top 10 in the country.

First I played Hattrick to win, but over the years, I came to realize that reaching the absolute top wasn't going to happen for me - I'd need to spend too much time to fully understand the game and make use of that knowledge. So I stuck around because of the great atmosphere and people in the forums. Recently my interest in the game itself increased again, which made me open a team in a new league (Botswana), and I'm trying to be at least semi-competitive there.

What I like about the Hattrick community? Everything. I like all the help you can get in the forums about the game, but also for everything else it gives you in everyday life. Hattrick is my favorite social network.

I started playing Hattrick in the summer of 2002 when a friend, who I played "Fantasy Wrestling" with online, told me about Hattrick. I made many mistakes in the beginning. At that time there was no such thing as mentors or beginners' guides. So my very first club was bankrupt after only a few weeks. Luckily, I was able to restart with a new club shortly after that and then I did a lot better.

My biggest achievement in Hattrick so far is that I have won some titles with my second team in Bahrain and reached the semifinals of the National Cup in Italy, but I hope, a few months from now, that it will be winning the World Cup for the Italian NT.

The Hattrick community is colourful, it really helps expand the Hattrick world. You can find plenty of helpful managers that can help you with Hattrick and real life questions.

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